Corporate Philosophy
Our group
Grupo CICE is a group of companies dedicated to the provision of port, logistics, and land transportation services, constituted as a Promoting Investment Corporation (Sociedad Anónima Promotora de Inversión, S.A.P.I) and founded by more than 110 Mexican shareholders. Their experience as customs brokers, shipping agents, and in the land transportation sector allowed them to lay the foundations for the group's formation in Veracruz, Mexico, in the year 1991.
Grupo CICE has a Corporate Governance Upper Body consisting of a Shareholders' Assembly, a Board of Directors, and various Business Committees established in the Administration Bylaws to ensure the implementation of best practices in corporate social responsibility.
Providing responsible logistical solutions
- With innovation
- With safety
- With a focus on people
Providing responsible logistical solutions
- With innovation
- With safety
- With a focus on people
In 2026, we will be the most comprehensive option for logistical solutions in Mexico.
In 2026, we will be the most comprehensive option for logistical solutions in Mexico.
Code of Ethics
Our Code of Ethics is the tangible support that our actions and an organizational culture based on values are the key to fulfilling our mission of providing responsible logistical solutions.
Management Policy
En Grupo CICE, para lograr ser la opción más completa en México, nos comprometemos a proporcionar servicios logísticos que satisfagan los requisitos pertinentes de las partes o grupos interesados, logrando el aumento de su satisfacción a través de la aplicación eficaz del sistema de gestión.