Veracruz, Ver.- Strengthening our commitment to the development of actions that allow better educational quality for the children and young people of our town, this Monday, June 20, the formalization of the delivery of a donation to the Juan Malpica primary school took place. Silva, located in the metropolitan area of Veracruz.

This donation consisted of the repair of the school's three-phase underground electrical installation, which was affected for about a month, causing the suspension of the activities of this institution due to the lack of energy and water supply.



For this rehabilitation, the construction of a concrete wall was carried out, the circuit breakers, contractile terminals and general wiring were replaced, splices were made and supports for medium voltage conduction were installed, thereby replenishing the electricity and water service. , which allowed the return to the classrooms.


The Juan Malpica Silva primary school has a student body of 600 primary level children who attend the morning and afternoon levels under the direction of Mtra. Teodora Wandestrand and is located at Campero No.1002, Col. 21 de Abril, Veracruz, Ver.


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